

Our World Is Suffocating
Pollution is mainly responsible for almost 9 million premature deaths a year, which is equivalent to 1 in 6 deaths worldwide. Humans are an implicit part of the problem and the solution; in response to the climate crisis, associations and universities like the Tec have become living laboratories of sustainability. (Photo: Md Manik / SOPA Images/Sipa USA)
Pollutant emissions and overexploitation of natural resources have thrown dust particles into the air, as is the case of the IJmond region of the Netherlands where Tata Steel’s blast furnaces are located. Here, clouds of pollutants can be seen from the beach. (Photo: Robin Utrecht/abacapress.com)
Despite warnings from the United Nations Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) since 2018, not all air pollution control measures have been adhered to, as seen in this picture of poor visibility due to air pollution on a main road in Gurgaon, India. (Photo: ANI)
Ruta Azul (Blue Route) is a sustainability plan created by the Tec in 2021, whose goals include raising society’s awareness of the air pollution crisis and preventing a catastrophe. Pollution is now common in places that used to be clean, such as Lyon, France, which is increasingly suffocated by clouds of pollution. (Photo: Nicolas Liponne / Hans Lucas)
Egypt’s CO2 emissions have ranked this African country among the top 20 most polluting countries due to CO2 emissions. The measures implemented by its government have been insufficient to allow clear views of Cairo and the great pyramids. (Photo: Reuters/Amr Abdallah Dalsh)
The Tec’s Ruta Azul also foments research for social change. Based on the Sustainable Development Goals, it gives recognition to the best research projects in educational innovation, whose objectives include the dissipation of clouds of air pollution like this one smothering the Mexican capital. (Photo: Reuters/Henry Romero)
The demarcation of green areas and tree planting has a positive effect on the fight against pollution in Tehran, Iran. However, poor air circulation, population density, and outdated cars are the main causes of the city’s predominantly gray air. (Photo: Ali Sharingan/Parspix/abacapress.com)
Global efforts to make humanity aware of the climate crisis have proven to be insufficient and time is running out. Much more must be done in Bangkok to see the statue of Buddha and thousands of others once again in their full splendor: a grain of sand will longer suffice. (Photo: Reuters/Chalinee Thirasupa)
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Our world is suffocating
Pollution is mainly responsible for almost 9 million premature deaths a year, which is equivalent to 1 in 6 deaths worldwide. Humans are an implicit part of the problem and the solution; in response to the climate crisis, associations and universities like the Tec have become living laboratories of sustainability. (Photo: Md Manik / SOPA Images/Sipa USA)
En la década de 1980, cuando fueron descubiertos, se creyó que los exosomas eran solo un medio para la comunicación celular. Durante la última década, se ha comprobado que juegan un papel importante en la transmisión de proteínas, lípidos, ARNm, miARN y ADN.
Muchos tipos de células, como las cancerosas, liberan exosomas en la sangre que viajan a otras partes del cuerpo, asegurándose de que los órganos receptores estén listos para recibir las células malignas, al desencadenar reacciones como inflamación en los órganos receptores que permiten la proliferación de células dañinas.
Hoy en día, los investigadores del Centro de Biotecnología FEMSA del Tec de Monterrey buscan modificar las moléculas de los exosomas y cambiar el mensaje que comparten entre células, abriendo un canal para enviar fármacos a células o tejidos específicos. (En la foto: José González Valdés (en ese momento director del Centro de Biotecnología FEMSA) y Andrea L. Tapia, alumna de maestría).
Abril Torres, estudiante del doctorado en Biotecnología, investiga el uso de exosomas obtenidos de células madre de la médula ósea para crear medicamentos contra la alopecia.
Gracias a las investigaciones y la tecnología, los exosomas hoy pueden usarse en favor de la salud como un portador natural, a diferencia de los polímeros sintetizados artificialmente, de medicamentos específicos para tratar enfermedades o crear tratamientos. (Todas las fotos son de Udell Jiménez).
Gracias a las investigaciones y la tecnología, los exosomas hoy pueden usarse en favor de la salud como un portador natural, a diferencia de los polímeros sintetizados artificialmente, de medicamentos específicos para tratar enfermedades o crear tratamientos. (Todas las fotos son de Udell Jiménez).