


Commitment and Interdisciplinarity: The Vision of Ismael Aguilar Barajas

The expert in water resources and development, prolific author, and enthusiast of Russian literature is also a passionate professor who has been recognized with the 50th Anniversary Insignia Award.
Ismael Aguilar Barajas is a civil engineer with studies in economics, specializing in urbanization, water in cities, and, more specifically, the Mexico–United States border region. (Photo: Jesús Alejandro Salazar / TecScience)
Ismael Aguilar Barajas is a civil engineer with studies in economics, specializing in urbanization, water in cities, and, more specifically, the Mexico–United States border region. (Photo: Jesús Alejandro Salazar / TecScience)

He has spent a lifetime reading; since he was a child in Morelia, he learned about the world through books. He was already reading third-grade books in second grade, and in third grade, he was ahead with fourth-grade ones. “Reading gives freedom,” he asserts in his office on the Monterrey campus, where the walls display a collection of paintings ranging from Van Gogh reproductions to personal works and gifts from students he has taught over the years.

The meticulously organized bookshelves reveal an orderly and systematic mind. Among the volumes, one can distinguish texts on Economics and Hydrology alongside collections of classical literature and Russian short stories. Each section tells a different story about this researcher’s academic journey.

He was the top student of his generation in Civil Engineering at the Universidad Michoacana. He continued his academic training at one of the world’s most prestigious institutions: The London School of Economics and Political Science, where he earned his master’s and doctoral degrees in Economics.

This interdisciplinary training allowed him to develop a unique perspective on the water challenges facing both Nuevo León and Mexico, becoming an authoritative voice on these issues internationally.

Professor Ismael Aguilar represents Tecnológico de Monterrey on the Water Advisory Council, an institution created to support the federal government in designing public policies on water.

In 2019, he was recognized with the 2018 Rómulo Garza Award in the category of published books for Water and Cities in Latin America, which he co-authored with Jürgen Mahlknecht.

Now, as a tenured professor in the Department of Economics and a research associate at the Water Center, he has been awarded the 50th Anniversary Insignia Award, which recognizes his scientific career and contributions.

I want to start with the Insignia Award. What do you think people who have won this award have in common?

Hard work and collaborative networks. This award recognizes the professor’s trajectory at Tec, and that is not built alone. It is necessarily a reflection of the work of various parties, from the leadership of the rector’s office and the work of the Department and colleagues to the inspiration of our students.

Is there anyone you would like to dedicate this award to?

Yes, of course, to many people. To my mom, who, although she passed away when I was 15, always strove to support me. To my dad, who taught me a great deal about honesty and unwavering integrity. To my colleagues, with whom I have worked for so many years, and to my teachers, I had excellent professors from elementary school to postgraduate studies; perhaps that’s why I like teaching so much. But most importantly, I dedicate it to my wife, who brought light into my life and has been a source of inspiration and constant support for my children and me.

Professor Aguilar’s decision to study Economics in London marked a turning point in his career. Freshly graduated, he had won a scholarship from the then CONACYT, which opened doors for him to study at any university worldwide. His original plan was to travel to Grenoble, France, to specialize in Hydrology. However, an opportunity presented itself at a dinner organized by the Mexican College of Civil Engineers.

At the dinner, where the best graduates met with industry leaders, Ismael sat next to the director of what is now known as the National Water Commission. During the meeting, he was offered a job, which represented a dilemma that would keep him awake for several nights: stay in Mexico to gain professional experience or follow his original plan to study hydrology in France.

Aguilar Barajas
Aguilar Barajas is the lead editor of Water and Cities in Latin America, published in English in 2015 by the British publisher Routledge and in Spanish in 2018 by the Inter-American Development Bank (IADB). (Photo: Jesús Alejandro Salazar / TecScience)

Looking back, do you think you made a good decision?

It was a difficult decision because I already had the scholarship, but staying to work allowed me to gain experience in development projects. Also, it gave me perspective, and I changed Hydrology for Economics, and this complemented my training and helped me better understand how the world works, resource management, and prudence in their use. It was a discovery and a reinforcement. Economics made me a better engineer. Now, I advise my students to gain experience and reflect a little before entering a postgraduate program.

Although you eventually returned to water and water security issues…

Yes, it was a natural path because I had a great interest in hydrology. When I graduated with my bachelor’s degree, I worked in Mexico City first and then in Chiapas, on rural development projects, where engineers, economists, anthropologists, and social workers were involved. Engineering projects in the context of their usefulness to society opened my eyes tremendously. I continue to work on water issues, but from a perspective of contributing to the country’s development.

In his office, filled with books and publications that narrate two decades of academic work, Professor Aguilar proudly shares a hardcover book published twenty years ago. Carefully, he opens its pages to show a special chapter written by his then-undergraduate students in Economics. This work represents much more than a simple academic publication: it is a testament to his educational philosophy and his commitment to developing new talent.

Ismael Aguilar
Ismael Aguilar received the Rómulo Garza Research and Innovation Award in the Insignia category, a distinction he dedicates to his wife for being a great support to him and their children. (Photo: Courtesy)

What books do you most recommend to your students?

My favorite book is Broken Wings by Gibran Kahlil Gibran because it is a story that shows the depth of love and affection. I like the Russian short stories of Chekhov and Dostoevsky and the popular science books of Carl Sagan, especially The Demon-Haunted World.

You have published 15 books, 55 book chapters, and 53 scientific articles throughout your career. If you had to give three pieces of advice to your students who want to start publishing, what advice would you give them?

First, start looking for a professor who can support them. Second, practice writing better; academic writing is something that professors must reinforce from the undergraduate level. Lastly, this is valid for practically any other activity they must commit. There has to be a commitment to themselves, to their professors, to their school, and the department.

Ismael Barajas collage
In the photos: with his wife (top left), during economic development classes (top and bottom left), and in the bottom left photo with co-author Jürgen Mahlknecht at the presentation of Water and Cities in Latin America in Stockholm. (Photos: Courtesy)

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Picture of Nuria Márquez Martínez