Tec de Monterrey has hosted the second International Conference on Obesity Research, under the aegis of activities run by the Tec’s Institute for Obesity Research (IOR).
The event, held on May 8th and 9th, 2023, featured keynote speakers on the subject, as well as the presentation of projects connected to food, medicines, technologies, and technology-based firms combating obesity.
Guillermo Torre, Rector of TecSalud and Vice President of Research at the Tec, emphasized the necessity of supporting multidisciplinary research and collaboration across many sectors to solve the public health problem of obesity and overweight.
“It’s not about aesthetics or stigma, but an important matter of health, which has far too many facets. As well as having an impact on cancer and cardiovascular illness, it has an impact on public policy and food production,” Torre explained.
International Conference on Obesity Research
According to the National Institute of Statistics and Geography (INEGI), one-fifth of children were at risk of being overweight in 2018.
Owing to this, Tec de Monterrey announced the establishment of the Institute for Obesity Research in 2022.
This institute aims to be a research area that addresses the challenge from various perspectives, including technology, knowledge, entrepreneurship, and public policy.
The International Conference on Obesity Research was organized as part of the institute’s operations, bringing together professionals from several disciplines who work on projects to tackle obesity from multiple angles.
“We set out to figure out where we had the expertise, where we could make a significant impact, and where we could generate valuable knowledge. Obesity is a serious concern in northern Mexico and the United States,” Torre said during his opening speech.
Torre also explained the necessity of contributing to creating a relevant scientific community in the country that addresses humanity’s big issues.
“We have real opportunities to make a difference, and today I am here to say that we want to contribute to developing new knowledge that will impact this major problem. In order to create actionable solutions, we need to understand the fundamental elements,” Torre said.
The IOR also hosts a monthly research seminar where some of the area’s research initiatives are presented, as well as producing numerous publications and webinars, among other actions.

Experts at the International Conference on Obesity Research (Photo: Alejandro Salazar / TecScience)
2023 conference
This year, Tec de Monterrey’s International Conference on Obesity Research focused on multidisciplinary research on obesity and overweight.
Speakers, researchers, and professionals in the field highlighted some of the issues and perspectives on the problem in many regions of the world and from diverse fields such as food development, medicine, and technology.
Felicia Knaul, Professor of Cellular Biology and Physiology Douglas Mann, David Kershenobich, and Professor of Medicine Antonio Vidal-Puig spoke at the occasion.
Certain aspects of the IOR’s work were also showcased under its four divisions: Healthy Foods, Bioengineering and Medical Devices, Public Policy, and Experimental Medicine.
“We are stepping up efforts to create a suitable environment for this research, thanks to the Tec’s investment and collaborations that provide us with more resources,” Torre said.