








Welcome to TecScience 

TecScience is a publishing platform to inform people about advances in research, science, and innovation at Tec de Monterrey.
Collage art showing hands on a computer
One of TecScience's missions is closing the gap between science and society. (Illustration: Eduardo Ramón/TecScience)

What do researchers do? Why should we care about their work? 

Most people living in Mexico wouldn’t know how to answer these questions. Many of them would even think of the caricature of a mad scientist confined to his laboratory.

What if we told them there’s a researcher who has spent more than 10 years studying how to turn tortillas into a next-generation protein that helps prevent millions of Mexicans from getting certain illnesses? How about the professor promoting interdisciplinary research using Artificial Intelligence and Big Data so that we can discover and report acts of corruption by governments? What if they knew that corneas are being grown for transplants to help thousands of people recover their sight? 

I could keep on listing examples, but I don’t think you need them. Researchers aren’t disconnected from reality, quite the contrary. Their work is focused on improving people’s lives, finding solutions to the problems humanity is up against, and innovating on processes to reduce costs, pollute less, and so on. 

The gap between society and science is partly due to the difficulty of “translating” research into a language that most people understand, of explaining the impact that a scientific breakthrough could have on people’s daily lives. 

TecScience was created with the mission of closing that gap, and we’re looking forward to getting the chance to show you the work being done by more than 700 researchers at Tec de Monterrey through its different institutes, centers, and multidisciplinary research groups.

Inside TecScience, you’ll find features, interviews, enriched articles, infographics, videos prepared by our team of journalists, and science communication articles written by our own researchers, all wrapped up in an innovative design that will make the reading experience more enjoyable for you. 

Thanks for reading our site, and welcome to this new knowledge adventure!

P.S. If you’re excited about this type of content, sign up to our newsletter and receive our selection of inspiring science stories every week.

P.S.2 In this link you can look up for our staff directory and for TesScience editorial commitee

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Picture of Karina Rodríguez