








Tecnológico de Monterrey platforms to make researchers lives easier

At the Tec Science Summit 2023, a group of experts from Tec de Monterrey explained to researchers the different platforms offered by the institution to facilitate the development of their research.
Tec de Monterrey platforms for researchers
The institution has different platforms to make life easier for researchers. (Illustration: G

Doing scientific research is not just about formulating hypotheses, designing experiments, and finding answers or solutions to a problem. Researchers must raise funds, track their progress, mentor, find reliable sources of information, and many other technical things that are necessary to continue with their careers.

Tec de Monterrey is committed to promoting science and research with the development of different platforms designed to make life easier for researchers and assist them in these time-consuming, and, sometimes, confusing, activities.

“We want to be your best ally,” said José Vladimir Burgos, National Director of the Tec de Monterrey Library, during his presentation at the workshop to learn about the platforms that the institution has, taught by different experts in these tools it took place on the Tec Science Summit 2023.

Tec de Monterrey platforms for researchers

Pivot: search for calls to raise funds

Pivot is a platform for Tec de Monterrey researchers to find funding opportunities for their scientific research, as well as collaborators.

This brings together around 30,000 funding opportunities that are updated every day and include internal Tec opportunities, as well as external opportunities, which can come from public institutions and private companies in Mexico or abroad.

Contact: Alma Huerta, [email protected]

SIMPLE: research project management

SIMPLE is a platform that researchers, doctoral, masters and postdocs students can use to manage their projects. This platform allows them to organize the different stages of their investigation, such as the request for funds, the organization and distribution of the funds obtained, as well as recording delivery dates for reports or administrative documents.

In the tool, both researchers and their students can register these projects under the researcher profile and track how they are progressing. If the researcher has, for example, several funds that come from different parties for different projects, they can organize them there to prevent losing track of documents that have to be delivered.

Contact: Ana Lilia Benavides, [email protected].

CRISTEC: register your research activities within the Tec

In CRISTEC, researchers can register their different research activities so that other researchers, evaluators, and Tec members can see how their progress is reflected in their profile.

It has different tabs; in one, you can register the attraction of funds, with accepted proposals, in another their attraction of talent, with the students they lead, their progress within the National System of Researchers (SNI), and the calculator to know theirs Reconocimiento a la Producción Científica (RCP).

Contact: Beatriz Flores, [email protected].

Scopus and WOS: citation databases of scientific publications

Scopus is a database that collects bibliographic information from citations and abstracts of articles from scientific journals. It is the main platform used by the Tec de Monterrey to record its published research.

Web of Science, or WOS, is a platform that allows access to different databases of scientific journal citations, conference articles, and other citable documents from different academic disciplines.

In general, citation indexes or lists allow scientists to connect with people doing research similar to theirs, find bibliographic references, as well as detect how much their own articles have been cited.

Contact: Nathalie Galeano, [email protected] and Miriam González, [email protected]

Scival and Incites: analysis of indicators that measure the impact of research

Both Scival and Incites are tools that allow researchers and evaluators to analyze the impact of research conducted by scientists based on scientometric indicators.

This analysis can be carried out at the level of a single investigator, a group of investigators, an institution, or a country.

Contact: Nathalie Galeano, [email protected] and Miriam González, [email protected]

RITEC: the repository of scientific products from Tec de Monterrey

RITEC is a platform in which researchers can register the scientific papers, conference articles, or book chapters they have produced as part of their research.

These can be deposited as a preprint, postprint, or publisher’s version. The platform allows the research community within the Tec de Monterrey to find the products of other researchers and register their own. In addition, it is linked to Google Scholar and other widely used search platforms.

Contact: Vladimir Burgos, [email protected]

Library: an inexhaustible source of information

Library is the Tec de Monterrey library system that has 46 headquarters in different locations and all of them meet on a digital platform. In them, you can find articles, patents, book chapters, or complete books, as well as register the products generated by the researchers.

In addition, if there is an article, patent, book chapter, or book that the Library does not have, the researcher, student, or member of the Tec community only has to send an email requesting the file and they will receive it in less than 24 hours.

Contact: Vladimir Burgos, [email protected]

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Picture of Inés Gutiérrez Jaber